Acts of obedience in the Bible 001: The first obedience

Genesis 1:26-30, Genesis 2:5-25

God created the first man ever whose name was Adam. Adam was made to look just like God. He was a perfect creature; he could talk, walk, think, eat and play too.

Our Heavenly Father’s desire for creating man was clear: man should be responsible for all other living creatures. God desired the best for Adam as a result , Adam was given a beautiful home known as the garden of Eden. Rivers flowed through this garden, there were pleasant trees and animals.

Following this he was informed that he had to maintain the garden. On the same day which was the sixth day of creation he was presented with his first task ever. The Holy Bible says ”all the animals was brought to him so that he could name them”

It is interesting to observe that Adam did not procastinate rather he zealously obeyed i.e he gladly performed this task. He gave names to the birds of the air, the cattle and wide animal too such as parrots, sparrows, eagles, cows, sheep, goats, lions, tigers,elephants and so on. The given names indeed became the names of these living creatures.

Our heavenly Father is good, he always rewards acts of obedience performed by his children. Do you know that Adam received a beautiful reward when he completed his first assignment? Yes he did. The only wise God- our creator made him fall into a deep sleep and the first woman was presented to him when he woke up.This made Adam glad !

The END !


  • Whatever instruction God gives to us, He has also given us the ability to perform it.
  • Obedience to God should be prompt. Adam performed the task assigned to him without any delay.
  • As God’s children we should cheerfully obey God. No record of Adam making excuses is recorded in the Bible.
  • Our heavenly Father rewards every act of obedience



Father, thank you for the abilities you have put in me.

Please, help me to be obedient to you always, on-time and cheerfully

I receive my reward of obedience in Jesus name

Amen and Amen

You are the light of the world!

Light is important to everyone both young and old. When there is light unlike darkness,it makes all happy. Light helps us to see people , animals and things around. Also we are able to find our way when there is light.

In the same way, Jesus said to his followers ”you are the light of the world”. This includes all children every where who call Jesus thier master and friend.

Jesus wants every child of his to know that they are important to the world and must bring happiness to people around them through good behavior. And thereby glorify God i.e make God happy. Also as light he wants his children to be examples of good behavior to others who having copied from them will glorify our heavenly Father.

Some important and good example children could show forth includes thier devotion to God in praying, reading the bible, loving thier neighbors,obeying parents and so on.

Most importantly, our Master, does not want you to hide your light, you must let it shine. Tell your parents and friends who you are: a light of the world and encourage them to become the same. If you this you will be blessed.

Do you know other ways children can shine as light, please mention them in the comment section.

Stay blessed!!!