Children’s Bible study guide on King Uzziah

Children’s Bible study guide: King Uzziah

Topic: King Uzziah
Text: 2 Chron 26: 1-23

M.V Proverbs 29: 23
A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.(KJV)


  1. We should copy only good examples  of behavior from dad and mum. Also  should learn only  good behavior from other people older than you. 2 Chron 26:4

2. Choose to serve and obey God today and always. 2 Chron 26: 5

3. God blesses you as long as you serve him. Success comes from God. 2 Chron 26: 5 & 15.

4. Remain humble (before God and man) when you have received God’s blessings. 2 Chron 26:16

5.  Always come into God’s presence   humbly during church services, devotions, church rehearsals e.t.c.

6. Be obedient to Pastors  and other church leaders.2 Chron 26:18-19.

7. God punishes the proud; he punishes people that do not humble themselves in His presence. Take heed! 2 Chron 26: 21-23.

Activity: Prayerpoint
Father, please give me the coat of humility in Jesus name.