Praying for the Children’s department

Reference : John 2: 1-11

  1. Father, we thank you for the children’s department in Jesus name
  2. Please, Lord be with us in all our Sunday school meetings in Jesus name (Jn 2:2).
  3. Please, Lord replenish everything we lack in this department: children handlers, Children, financial resources, auction to teach and zeal to work in Jesus name (Jn 2:3).
  4. Please, Lord turn our water to wine name of Jesus(Jn 2:7-8).
  5. Dear Lord, please show forth your glory in the children’s Church the mighty name of Jesus (Jn 2:11).
  6. Dear Lord, please show forth your glory in our lives in the mighty name of Jesus (Jn 2:11).
  7. Our children and all that pertain to them are covered with the blood of Jesus.
  8. Thanks so much Prayer-answering God for answering us in Jesus name.
    Amen and Amen

The miracles of Jesus; the great catch of fish

Text: John 21:1-11
M.V. Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever.

Aim: To make the children know that Jesus can perform miracle wherever he chooses; not only in the church.


  1. We should always keep good company like these seven disciples (Jn 21:. 2
  2. We should copy good examples from our friends (be hardworking), not bad ones ( like playing all day long) ; Jn 21:3
  3. Jesus is always with us even though we may be unaware (Jn 21:4).
  4. When we obey our Lord Jesus, he abundantly supplies our needs (Jn 21:6&11).
  5. Always be happy to spend time with our Lord and Brother- Jesus Christ (Jn 21:7&8).

Jesus is the Miracle worker, He cares about us and wants to provide for us. We must obey Him.

Water is turned to wine

Aim: To make the Children know that Jesus performs miracles when our obedience is complete.

M.V Hebrews 13: 8
Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever.

Introduction: Even those things people never imagined could happen were done by our Lord, Jesus Christ. This assures us that truly God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ever ask or imagine. Truly, His name is Wonderful.


  1. Jesus should be called upon in all we do. Tell Him about exams, your dreams, where you are going to e.t.c.
  2. We must always obey Jesus. (Jn 2:5)
  3. Jesus can make tasteless things to become tasty, he can turn unpleasant experiences pleasant (Jn 2:9).
  4. Jesus reserves the best for last (Jn 2:10).
  5. We should believe in Him (Jn 2:11).

Children should learn this song:
Cana in Galilee 3X
Water Jesus turned in into wine

Jesus is a miracle worker, He always does amazing things.

The miracles of Jesus; Lazarus come out!

Text: John 11:14-45

M.V. Hebrews 13:8 JESUS Christ the same yesterday and today and forever.



The Bible is a book of miracles and Jesus, the son of God is a miracle worker. Several dead were brought back to life by Jesus, also in his name some others were restored to life by his disciples. He is Lord indeed!


  1. Miracles happen so that we can trust in Jesus more.
  2. When your friends are unhappy, you should cheer them up.
  3. As a child of God, your heavenly Father will give you whatever you ask him in Jesus name
  4. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life, the Messiah.
  5. JESUS loves us and he also feels bad when we are sad (John 11:35).
  6. No matter how bad a problem is or how long it has been, Jesus can fix it (Jn 11:38-39 and 43-44).


Jesus is all powerful; he can raise the dead to life as well as give life to the spiritually dead. All we need to do is to believe. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God and the miracle worker?

The miracles of JESUS; The sick are healed


Miracles are acts of God which occur when man trust in God to do what only God can do. They are supernatural possibilities (which replaces natural impossibilities.

In addition, the Bible is a book of miracles and Jesus, the son of God is a miracle worker. In his name all sick can get healed.

Text: Matthew 8:14-17
M.V. Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever.KJV
Aim: To make the children know that Jesus can heal all types of sicknesses and diseases.


  1. Jesus healed her with a touch; we can receive healing when servants of God touch us in prayer.(Mt 8:15)
  2. When we get healed by God, let us how gratitude by helping out in God’s house (Mt 8:15)
  3. Jesus, the miracle worker can heal one and heal many (Mt 8:15-16).
  4. He can heal people of all ages. (Mt 8:15-16).
  5. He can heal all types of sicknesses including coronavirus disease(Mt 8:16).
  6. Whenever you are sick, remember that Jesus bore your sickness on the cross (Mt 8:17)
  7. Jesus still heals today.( Heb 13:8)


Jesus is the healer and is willing to heal us.


Let us pray for the sick in our midst and any other unwell person we know.


Text: John 3: 1 – 8
M.v. John 3: 16

Aim: To make the children know the most important thing to be done in life.

To be born again means to open the door of our hearts to Jesus so he can become our friend and master (Rev 3:20). This means that we agree that we have sinned but Jesus died for us, cleansed us with his blood and rose from the dead so as to make us children of God.

Main Emphasis: Born-again children should allow the Holy Spirit to lead them in all they do.

1. In order to offer acceptable worship, it is important to be born again.
2. Only Children who are born again can go to heaven.
3. The day you get born-again is an important date just like your birthday.
4. Born again children must allow the Holy Spirit to led them

Salvation is very important if we desire to enter God’s kingdom.


Children who wants to take this important step because they haven’t done so should make this confession:

Dear Lord Jesus thank you for dying in my place and rising up again for me. Today I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Make me your child.

Thank you Jesus! in Jesus name

Amen and Amen

Wonders of worship II

Children Sunday School Outline
Topic: Wonders of worship II
Text: 2 Chron 20:1-28
Aim: To enable the children know the importance and various ways of worship

Worship is important to all children of God. The amazing things that happens

M.V. Psalms 150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.



  1. When you are afraid, talk to God about it in prayer which should also include worship.2 Chron 20:3-6.
  2. Standing before God is a form of worship especially in church or other Christian meetings.2 Chrn 20: 13
  3. As a little child, you should participate in worship such as standing before God, bowing your knees to him 2 Chron 20: 13 &18,
  4. Worship brings speedy answers to our prayers 2 Chron 20: 14-17
  5. When we worship God, he helps by fighting for us.2 Chron 20: 17&22
  6. Whenever you see older people, leaders or your parents worshipping God, do not stare but join them in doing the same.2 Chron 20:18
  7. God can be worshipped with instruments of praise like tambourines, drums e.t.c. He can also be worshipped with a loud voice 2 Chron 20: 19 & 28.
  8. Our worship can make God give us more than what we asked him for. 2 Chron 20: 25
  9. We should worship , worship and worship God without getting tired. 2 Chron 20: 5, 13, 18, 19, 22, 26 & 28.

Conclusion: As children of God let us make worship a way of life. However for acceptable worship we must be born again!

Activity: Children should sing songs of worship to God.

Wonders of worship I

Children Sunday School Bible study guide
Topic: Wonders of worship 1
Text: Acts 16: 16-36

Aim: To enable children understand the importance of worship.

Introduction: Worship is all- encompassing. It involves show of reverence to God by singing praises to Him, saying our prayers, clapping of hands, dancing, bowing or kneeling before Him.
When we worship, God is moved to do something amazing, in other words things that will make people keep their mouths open and forget to close it until they are reminded to begins to happen.

M.V. Exodus 15:11
Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?

Worship makes God to intervene in our issues or circumstances by doing the following:
I. Loosing of our bands. Acts 16:26
II. Causing closed doors to open Acts 16:26
III. Our enemies bow to us and become friends with us.Acts 16:29
IV. Salvation for the unsaved.Acts 16:33
V. Total freedom for us. Acts 16:35


Conclusion: As children of God let us make worship a way of life; lets worship our Maker that we may enjoy the wonders of worship. However for acceptable worship we must be born again!.

Activity: Children should sing songs of worship to God.

Christian Worship

Text: Matthew 21:6-16

M.V John 4:24
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.(KJV)

Introduction: Worship means to honour and give God glory because of who he is.(Psalm 100:3-5 )We worship God by singing praises, bowing or kneeling before him, clapping, dancing and calling him his names.
God seeks true worship and this includes children.

1. We worship through the words of our mouth. Matt 21:9
2. When we worship God he removes unpleasant things and experiences from our lives. Matt 21: 12
3. Worship brings healing Matt 21: 14
4. God desires the praises of children. Matthew 21:16
5. We should worship God always ; wherever we may be.John 4: 21-24
6. We should worship God in spirit because God is Spirit i.e we do not need images or beads to worship him. John 4:24
7. Let us gladly worship our Maker and father of our savior in truth; not simply to be seen by men .

God desires his children to worship him in spirit and in truth. Unsaved children should accept Jesus into their hearts, so that they can give acceptable worship to God.

Activity: Sing worship songs and call God by his names

Acts of obedience in the Bible 001: The first obedience

Genesis 1:26-30, Genesis 2:5-25

God created the first man ever whose name was Adam. Adam was made to look just like God. He was a perfect creature; he could talk, walk, think, eat and play too.

Our Heavenly Father’s desire for creating man was clear: man should be responsible for all other living creatures. God desired the best for Adam as a result , Adam was given a beautiful home known as the garden of Eden. Rivers flowed through this garden, there were pleasant trees and animals.

Following this he was informed that he had to maintain the garden. On the same day which was the sixth day of creation he was presented with his first task ever. The Holy Bible says ”all the animals was brought to him so that he could name them”

It is interesting to observe that Adam did not procastinate rather he zealously obeyed i.e he gladly performed this task. He gave names to the birds of the air, the cattle and wide animal too such as parrots, sparrows, eagles, cows, sheep, goats, lions, tigers,elephants and so on. The given names indeed became the names of these living creatures.

Our heavenly Father is good, he always rewards acts of obedience performed by his children. Do you know that Adam received a beautiful reward when he completed his first assignment? Yes he did. The only wise God- our creator made him fall into a deep sleep and the first woman was presented to him when he woke up.This made Adam glad !

The END !


  • Whatever instruction God gives to us, He has also given us the ability to perform it.
  • Obedience to God should be prompt. Adam performed the task assigned to him without any delay.
  • As God’s children we should cheerfully obey God. No record of Adam making excuses is recorded in the Bible.
  • Our heavenly Father rewards every act of obedience



Father, thank you for the abilities you have put in me.

Please, help me to be obedient to you always, on-time and cheerfully

I receive my reward of obedience in Jesus name

Amen and Amen